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Windbridge Research Center


The mission of the Windbridge Research Center is to ease suffering around dying, death, and what comes next by performing rigorous scientific research and sharing the results and other customized content with the general public, clinicians (like medical and mental health professionals), scientists (like researchers and philosophers), and practitioners (like mediums).


The Windbridge Research Center, located in Tucson, Arizona, USA, was co-founded by husband and wife research team Mark Boccuzzi and Julie Beischel, PhD, in July 2017. The Center took over the peer-reviewed research on the topics of life after death and after-death communication that had been conducted at the Windbridge Institute, LLC, since 2008. 


You can learn more about Windbridge and their work on mediumship at

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The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline / 988 Lifeline


The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now called 988 Lifeline. You can reach them at 1-800-273-8255 and it is a free 24/7 phone line for people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. There is also an online chat option available at

The National Alliance on Mental Illness


The National Alliance on Mental Illness provides some excellent information on the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Almost everyone knows someone who has suffered from a mental illness. Learn more at


Curious to learn about Mediumship, communicating with your spirit guides, divination, and more?


The 7 Portals are a series of digital classes taught by Ankhasha to lead you on an inner quest through realms you have yet to discover. Each unfolds into the next in a sequential process. 


Behind each Portal are 7 doorways that open to different aspects of the Portal you can explore through 30-minute recorded sessions where Ankhasha offers teaching and guidance on each subject. You can read the brief description of each Portal as you begin your journey. Portals are currently still under construction and will be open later this year. 

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